It's Spring and the time for thoughts of love. We do love this time of year. Awards have been passed out and there's a brief lull between Spring break and the onslaught of summer visitors. We've rebounded from the Great Recession and many building projects stalled during that time are now well underway and the boom is a continuing topic of conversation. Is it a good thing or should we pause and evaluate what the future will bring?

As editor of this magazine which we dedicate to all who love Hollywood, it was my pleasure to speak with Joel Kotkin, Professor of Urban Studies at Chapman University and noted writer on demographic, social and economic trends, and Leo Braudy, USC's Professor of English and an expert on fame and mass media, to explore what change can mean for our community. We often find it hard to explain exactly "what is this place called Hollywood." Perhaps that is part of its allure. Is it authentic or a dream? You decide.

Speaking of authenticity, this year we lose one of our most beloved public servants-Tom Labonge, Los Angeles Councilmember of the 4th District to term limits. Each of our 15 councilmembers have about 250,000 constituents who function much like a mayor in their districts. Shauna McClure's article acknowledges Tom's dedication and his relationship with the people of his district and the city as we contemplate his successor. Times are changing.

Rising every morning for a hike in Griffith Park, Tom Labonge would be the first to tell you about the importance of exercise and keeping fit. Karen Yin highlights a few of Hollywood's wellness spots touching on the impact of our #3 industry behind film and tourism, healthcare.

Rounding out this issue is a photo spread on two architectural treasurers-Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House and his son, Lloyd Wright's Sowden House. Hollywood is blessed with several of their wonderful creations. And if you have a few spare million, one of them can be yours.
We hope we give you something to think about with this issue. If you're a visitor, we welcome you to Hollywood and want you to enjoy your stay. And if you live or work here, let us be grateful and take care of this special corner of the world.