By Suzanne Birrell.
Blame it on the IRS.
Stan Rich actually started out working in Medicine and Finance. One of his early assignments was getting Space Monkeys from NASA to a research facility. From monkeys he moved into tax shelters for the Docs he worked with. He crossed his t's and dotted his i's and was very successful at saving money. It was all legit-totally above board. He read the tax code cover to cover. There our story begins......

The IRS saw that Stan Rich was successful and declared it bad and came after him. Not to be daunted, Mr. Rich spent 5 hours with the IRS and tried to educate them as to what was in their code. (If you've ever thumbed through the book, you'd understand why they are confused). The IRS refused to budge and so Stan Rich was advised by his lawyers to settle because it's a lot cheaper to settle than take on the IRS. But there was a principle: Stan Rich had done nothing wrong. So, the IRS countered with a ruling which left Mr. Rich owing more than his net worth-Ouch. A ping pong game of appeals was started in 1984 and in 1991, Mr Rich finally got his case in front of the IRS.
In the room, the IRS reduced the figure to 1/10th of the original number but didn't want to wave interest. Stan Rich, still operating on principal, refused the offer. When the IRS said, "So, sue!" Mr. Rich declared bankruptcy against the IRS. After 10 months of facing the redirect questions of the sharp and witty Stan Rich, the IRS folded. (This is a true story-the kind the IRS doesn't share.)
Mr Rich was so ecstatic that he started writing songs. He even hosted a themed party which included skits and music and which won awards for being the most original event of the year. (Who knew they had such awards.)
But then the plot thickened. Six weeks later the IRS came back with "The Loophole."(Add music in a minor mode here..)
Back to the library. More research. A new lawyer. Mr. Rich won in the First Court. He won in the Second Court. On to the Circuit Court and another win. The Solicitor General also ruled in his favor. If you get the impression the IRS hates to lose--you got that right. If you get the impression they were picking on Stan Rich, other people thought so as well; the high courts awarded him his costs. He sang all the way to the bank......And put together a Review of song and dance and skits to celebrate this unheard of joyous occasion.

He put the review on at the Skirball and donated the production as a fundraiser. He produced another show for the Jewish home for the aging and raised $35,000 for them. People were picking up his skits and music and performing them across the country. He was encouraged: Why not write a Broadway styled musical? Why not? Stan Rich (that is his real name) had never written a Broadway styled musical before, but now he has and he owes it all to the IRS.
LOOPHOLES, A Pain In The I.R.Sopens April 15, 2015, at the Hudson Mainstage Theatre. Stan Rich is the Music Man for fearful tax payers. He wants to spread the power of positive thinking and laughter. Besides, he is a great story teller. I haven't seen the production yet, but I'm vouching for it. Read all about it
The World Premiere of LOOPHOLES, A Pain In The I.R.S. A musical parody based on a true story!
LOOPHOLES, A Pain In The I.R.S is the ultimate
David and Goliath story of a man who, despite having his entire net worth threatened, actually uncovered loopholes -- allowing him to have the last laugh at the United States' most hated government agency, the IRS! Join the fun.
Free e-booklet to ticket holders.
Wednesday, April 15th thru Sunday, May 17th
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