A review by Harrison Held
Pulp Shakespeare (or Bard Fiction)

I really enjoyed this fast moving take on Quentin Tarantino's hit 90s film Pulp Fiction performed by an impressive & well trained cast at Theatre Asylum on Santa Monica Boulevard.
This is a hot reboot of the 2011 Hollywood Fringe production originally directed by Jordan Monsell and now ably & gamely helmed by 2014 Ovation Award Winner Amanda McRaven. What a great idea to adapt Quentin Tarantino's two & half hour movie to a 90 minute stage in 16th century England - the play has a built in audience from the film & the adaptation is fascinating, crazy, funny, silly & poignant & really works. Who wouldn't be curious to see this Quention Tarantino's gem adapted to the language of the Bard?
Aaron Lyons stars as hitman Vincenzio de la Verga & Dan White as hitman Julius Winfield. Both are terrific high energy actors playing the parts made famous by John Travolta & Samel L. Jackson in the movie. Joining them is another great actor - Christian Levatino - as the crazy insane jouster Butch. All 3 actors reprise their roles from the 2011 production & do a remarkable job.
Joining them is a fantastic ensemble of talent - one has to really pay attention & focus to understand the language of the Bard & sometimes it was hard because of the nonstop laughter. Pulp Shakespeare (or Bard Fiction) had been cleverly adapted by Ben Tailen, Aaron Greer and Brian Watson-Jones with cool Shakesperean costumes by Paula Higgins & simple set & lighting design by Aaron Lyons... Instead of coffee shops & theme restaurants which featured Marilyn Monroe & other lookalike servers this version takes place in taverns & dungeons. No Marilyn lookalike servers in this Shakespearean version but who knows... maybe in a future incarnation? Also appearing in the production playing multiple parts is a fine ensemble made up of Drew Derek, Dylan Jones, Julia Aks, Ian Verdun, Matthew Hudacs & Marcelo Olivas. Victoria Hogan & Gary Poux do fine work also appearing as Lady Mia Wallace & Lord Marcellus Wallace.
Pulp Shakespeare (or Bard Fiction) plays til March 8th so get your tickets soon.
Lots of F-Bombs & sexual content so not good for kids.
www.combinedartform.com &
www.theatreasylum-la.com Enjoy!