We're heading into what promises to be another record-breaking visitor season. Hillside residents are still plagued with issues regarding people who want to get "up close and personal" to see the famed Hollywood Sign. So, if you're a visitor, please do your viewing from afar. It's safer and you'll avoid narrow streets, wasting valuable vacation time, and possibly encountering hostile natives.
Also, California's drought is serious business, but not necessarily something new. Suzanne Birrell's article gives historical perspective to the issue of water and where it comes from in her well-researched article. So, when visiting, take shorter showers and don't water your lawn 'til you get home!
If you're visiting, we know how much you like to travel. So do we. My husband and I enjoy discovering new locations and places which have been used for movie locations. We got much more than we bargained for in our visit to Richmond and Williamsburg, Virginia. If you live in Los Angeles, a family trip to Virginia will give you a first hand experience of the founding of this great country and also a deep insight into one of its greatest tragedies. As an added bonus we visited the locations where Lincoln,
John Adams and, currently,
Turn were filmed. It's possible to step back in time both on the screen on on a vacation.
Our Hollywood historian and author, Marc Wanamaker, has written a comprehensive history of Universal Studio as the studio celebrates its 100th birthday-or, according to Marc, its 103
rd. Like many of early film companies, it began in Chicago and worked its way west finally settling just over the hill from Hollywood when the San Fernando Valley stretched endlessly in all directions.
In the midst of summer's excitement, do yourself a favor and take advantage of the vast array of live performing arts: music outdoors at the Hollywood Bowl and Greek Theatre, Phantom of The Opera at the spectacular Pantages Theatre or experience a production at one of our smaller live theatres. In an intimate setting of less than 100 seats, you'll find seasoned actors you recognize and wonderfully talented new comers. Check our daily calendar and also go on line for recent updates.
Above all, have a great summer!

Editor's Note: In our last issue, I neglected to include the Freeman House as one of four Frank Lloyd Wright properties located in Hollywood. I thank several of our loyal readers for noticing the omission.