Review by Harrison Held

Lone Star by James McLure &
Rosemary with Ginger by Edward Allen Baker
I attended the exciting successful opening of two one acts directed by actor Troy Ruptash last night at the cozy Lounge Theatre 2 on Santa Monica Boulevard. For his directorial debut Mr. Ruptash chose to present an evening about sibling rivalry a topic I think most people can relate to. Per the production notes "Our siblings are our closest ties to our past, and the mirrors into our future. No matter how much we try to transform ourselves into the people we wish to be, our siblings are our shrewdest reminders of who we are and where we came from".
First up was a great production of good ol'
Lone Star by James McLure. In 1975 older party hungry brother Roy (a terrific Taylor Handling) returns to Texas from Vietnam to his wife, his beloved 1959 pink Thunderbird convertible and his somewhat slow very likable kid brother Ray (wonderfully played by Wes McGee) to unexpected and shocking surprises. Rounding out the cast was Joe Massingill who was great as their thick-skulled bewildered childhood friend Cletis aka Skeeter.
Next up after intermission was the very gritty poignant dramatic one act
Rosemary and Ginger written by Edward Allen Baker taking place in 1993 about two mismatched sisters - likable kind-hearted struggling to make ends meet waitress, mom and wife Ginger played by a likable and earnest Kim Hamilton and reckless self centered alcoholic unfaithful wife and mom Rosemary played with gusto by fiesty Kirsta Peterson. The action takes place in the Peter Pan Diner now closed after twenty years in Providence, Rhode Island and deals with their very dark family history and tragic current problems. Although the serious themed
Rosemary with Ginger does end on a note of hope I think it would serve the production better to let the ladies go first and begin the evening with
Rosemary with Ginger and then conclude with the upbeat Lone Star.
Running through September 27th... for more information visit
Mercer Boffey and Taylor Handling
Joe Massengill, Mercer Boffey, and Wes McGee
Kim Hamilton and Kirsta Peterson