A Review by Suzanne Birrell.

Gerardo Ibarra (l.), Christina Lemon, Elizabeth Ferraris, Kat Brower
All Photographs by Augustus Photography.
Holly Would, a new comedy by fashion designer and first time writer/ director Octavio Carlin is now playing at the Hudson Theatre through March 20. The story is rather vaudevillian in that it is played for the laughs and the laughter was continuous.

Kat Brower (l.), Elizabeth Ferraris, Genevieve Joy.
The story is about a young lady, Holly (Kat Brower) whose sister has won a part in a movie. Since her sister wouldn't do it, Holly has arrived to take her place. A family friend Re Re (Elizabeth Ferraris) identifies her and spends much of the play calling her by her name only to be corrected over and over again. Holly gets to meet the very very sad Greta Garbo (comedian Genevieve Joy) who only wants to be left alone (Did I say she was sad) and the frustrated and conniving Countess Rina De Liguoro (Christina Lemon). Greta and the Countess spend a lot of time saying each other's name in exaggerated fashion. Both appeared to have a lot of fun playing their respective rolls.

Left: Genevieve Joy
The Countess sort of hisses a lot of responses in a cat-like and the audience was very responsive with their laughter. When she could be understood it was with a thick faux Italian accent to which the rest of the cast responded that they didn't speak French.The part of Director Clarence Brown was played with utter seriousness by Gerardo Ibarra which became humorous amid the Three Stooges dialogue and antics.
The sound effects were spot on and the timing was perfect. The costumes, of course, were exquisite.
Craving crazy comedy in the vein of vaudeville? Holly Would .
Holly Would plays thru March 20
at the Hudson Theatre
6539 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
or 323-960-4443