A review by Suzanne Birrell.

Graham Hamilton and Rebecca Gray. Photos by Darrett Sanders
One of the Nice Ones is a new cringe-worthy black comedy about politics in the workplace where being one of the nice ones does not necessarily get you ahead. Rebecca Gray stars as telemarketer Tracy who, faced with the threat of losing her job, plays every card imaginable from anger to guilt - disability - female - tears - blackmail and more while changing like a chameleon before our eyes. Graham Hamilton plays her boss Roger who is equally power driven. Though a capable foe and opportunist, he constantly goes one step forward and two steps back. The plot thickens instantly when we discover Tracy's dark secret. Will it give Roger the upper hand?
Graham Hamilton and Rodney To
Rodney To is hysterical as the meek and mild office co-worker who does his job well, loves his wife, and gets sucked literally kicking and screaming into the office politics in spite of the size of his male attribute which is alluded to in a hysterical bathroom scene. Some of the funniest moments are his facial reactions to what is going on around him. In the end, not only is he one of the nice ones, he was the only nice one.
Making a late entrance into story steps Tara Karsian as the expected Collen who throws a wry wrench into the works and literally twists the story to a whole new direction and then twists it yet again. Who will win the game? You don't know until the final moment.
One of the Nice Ones is fast moving entertainment of substance that will keep you laughing and cringing in spite of yourself. Office politics at its worst and we can't stop laughing. Yet a final monologue reveals a depth of character and explains Tracy's shocking secret.
Excellent writing by Erik Patterson, exquisite direction by Chris Fields and magical performances by a talented cast, don't miss One of the Nice Ones.
Not suitable for the young ones.
(Left: Rodney To, Graham Hamilton, Tara Karsian )
One of the Nice Ones plays
Friday, Saturday, and Sundays through August 21 at the Atwater Village Theatre
3269 Casitas Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90039
• Call 310-307-3753 or go to
General admission:$30
in the Atwater Xing lot one block south of the theater.