Oscar's Hollywood

The Los Angeles City Council recently voted unanimously to finally move forward with construction of a Target store on Sunset Blvd. and Western Ave., a project which was stalled for 2 years due to lawsuits. The development has broad neighborhood support and the new store will provide access to affordable food, clothing and household goods that will improve the quality of life for the residents of the community. Besides many construction jobs, Target will employ 250-300 people, many from the local neighborhood.

What's wrong with this picture...nothing!  Who knows how much the East Hollywood economy suffered during this shutdown?

Presently, an initiative -- sponsored by and funded by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation -- will stop any project that requires General Plan Amendments or zoning variance, stopping nearly all major housing and development projects in our city. It's a poorly-written measure that goes too far. It would stop the building of everything -- from affordable housing, to hospitals, schools, and parks.

The proposed initiative has given rise to the broadest coalition in the history of Los Angeles-- many of whom usually are on opposite sides -- all working together to oppose the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative. Small businesses, environmentalists, homeless advocates, labor unions, urban planners, and public transportation experts all agree that this is wrong for our city.

Rendering of proposed Target store on Sunset.

Posted By Suzanne on June 30, 2016 05:32 pm | Permalink