FOREVER FLAMENCO - Fountain Theatre

Reviewed by Amalisha HuEck

Flamenco, a unique form of song, dance and instrumentals (mostly guitar), commonly associated with the Gypsies of southern Spain, with its rhythm, footwork, body and hand movements and through the emotional intensity of the dancer's expression to the music being played while dancing, has a deep impact on the audience.

Forever Flamenco presented Amor by Reyes Barrios, a performance that perfectly captures what flamenco is. All the artists, through singing and dance, tell the stories of the songs with passion, enthusiasm, and deep emotional connection. Through the freedom of expression throughout their bodies, feet, hands, and facial utterance, they profoundly manifest effects that penetrate through everyone around them. The intensity of each song sung, dance expressed, and instrumental played, puts the audience on the edge of their seats. I looked around, and it seemed that people forgot to breathe; some even closed their eyes to soften the intensity of the expression on stage. I found myself also closing my eyes at one point, to feel the power with my full senses, without seeing it being done. An extremely powerful performance by everyone!

This was my first time seeing a flamencoperformance. Without a doubt, the art of flamenco requires years of practice to master all the complicated steps and movements. The dancers, Reyes Barrios (also a singer), Rocio Carrera and Yaelisa communicate the power of a woman, the power of a dancer through their feet. Through the raw and emotional dance style, they express their innermost emotions and feelings. The use of their dresses and scarves complete and extend their movements to a pure expression of perfection.

The main singer, Antonio de Jerez, is also a poet, and he frequently writes the lyrics for the songs he sings. He found his complete voice in flamenco, as did Barrios, and is the most highly regarded flamenco singer in the United States . That tells it all.

The musicians David Morales Boroff (violin) and Antonio Triana (guitar) virtuously tell their stories through their instruments. I've never before seen anyone playing a violin to the extent that Morales did, and Triana's guitar expression, with its intensity, perfectly accompanied each dancer.  Each song style was distinguished by a characteristic rhythm and chord structure. The show was created and directed by Reyes Barrios in collaboration with all the present artists. What an amazing experience to listen and watch flamenco artistry through these artists. An exquisite, highly recommended performance!  

Barrios says, "To be 'Flamenco' is to have another skin, other passions, other desires. It is a different way of seeing the world, with music in one's nerves, the fierce pride, happiness mingled with tears; it is a loathing of routine and sameness; it is to be intoxicated with song, wine, and kisses."

You can taste the unique atmosphere of flamenco performances throughout the month of August, each Saturday at 8:00 pm at the Fountain Theatre on 5060 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029 .

For tickets contact the Fountain Theatre at (323) 663-1525 or go to

Posted By DH Magazine on August 08, 2024 02:07 pm | Permalink