THE ANTI YOGI - Zephyr Theatre

Reviewed by Amalisha HuEck 

Visited 'The Anti Yogi' - a solo play at the Zephyr Theatre on Sunday evening. The show is simply   brilliant! It is truly exceptional in every aspect. Written and acted by Mayuri Bhandari who is accompanied by superbly talented musician/percussionist Neel Agrawal and under the direction of D'Lo and Shyamala Moorty, Bhandari presented her star qualities throughout the play. I was mesmerized by her beauty, by her facial expressions, by her movements - what the flexibility of the body, by her voices in portraying the different characters. WOW!  I can go and see that play over and over again.

Through her life journey she discovers that Yoga is very different in America, in comparison with India.    It is a huge social conscious, especially in LA in 2024. In her self-discovery Mayuri shows our obsession with Yoga, and our outer connections to its objects, like the bigger size Buddha, the Goddess of Destruction - Kali Mata, Krishna, Shiva, The White Yogi and Sufis.

'The story was born out of many true experiences, absurdities, shockers, and all. Thanks to all who helped bring this vision to life; this is my humble take on much bigger practice. An Ode to Mother Nature, aka Goddess Kali.'

As a child she would connect easily to the rhythm and the sound. Having a live music was the ideal concept for this show. 'Through a unique blend of dance, dramedy, live percussion, and poetry, THE ANTI 'YOGI' gives a much needed voice to Yoga, calling out its recolonization in the West and nationalization in the East. This show peels back the yoga mat to reveal the true ethos of Yoga.' Mayuri and Neel had lots of rehearsals to find the proper sound for each section.  In collaboration they developed the perfect sounds. An amazing job!
The body movements and the dancing, which is beyond words, was the last thing on the plate to concur for Mayuri and directors. That surely is a piece of cake for her productive, expressive creativity.  Just wonderful! She also believes that a solo artist should be directed by another solo artist, so perfect chemistry there.
Mayuri as a yoga teacher shares what it means to be a good yoga teacher. In this 7th performance, through Q&A, she reveals that the Yoga in USA is an 84-billion-dollar industry, and the Yoga studios are visited mostly by white population. As somebody who invented 'Bollywood on Ice', besides being a great dancer and yoga expert, she is also the national figure skating champion. 
The Creative Team are: Nick Foran - Stage Manager/QLAB Design, Kenny Johnson -Videography, Alex Valladares - Photography, Mark Holden - Sound Design, Jannica Olin - Graphic Design, Anita Lee - PR, Salma Syed - Q&A Moderater.

*** This show is dedicated to Raman Kant Agrawal
There is a rumor that the show will be extended. I strongly recommend you go and see it at the Zephyr Theatre on 7456 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Unforgettable experience! 

For tickets info:

Posted By DH Magazine on August 15, 2024 01:50 pm | Permalink