THE CIVIL TWILIGHT - Broadwater Studio Theatre

Reviewed by Michael Edwards

The play The Civil TWILIGHT, is about time, and brilliantly so. Excellent storytelling aside, this Plays with People in association with The Road Theatre Company production of Shem Bitterman's play is just what audiences need right now--post-election.

When a storm forces two unfortunately grounded airline passengers to share the only available motel room in a rural backwater town, the man and woman, at first cordial and ready to deal, grow to know each other a little too well. The man is a celebrity radio personality who the woman happens to recognize because she is his number one fan. She loves his belief in a simpler America.  All seems very Hollywood star meets fan until the story unfolds and we start to learn the real reasons why both are traveling.

Shem Bitterman's play unfolds beautifully. As we get to know both, we are led down several fascinating paths but as the truth comes out, we are genuinely frightened by the point of view each has to offer. Truly enlightening and frightening at the same time.

Andrew Elvis Miller's "MAN" is liquid in his movements and actions. We enjoy watching him think as much as speak. Mr. Millers' behavior is masterful. 

Taylor Gilberts' 'WOMAN' is just brilliant. Her responses at times have her as both protagonist and antagonist. As one half of a team of just two actors on stage for 90 minutes, she never lets us down. Bringing the storm or suffering the storm's passion, Ms. Gilbert carries us moment by moment through each story point. 

Set design by Joel Daavid deserves much praise as it was a joy to experience even before the play's start.

Direction by Ann Hearn Toblowsky is perfect. The tension never drops, and the joy   honest and dynamic work at the Broadwater Theatre.

Where are we going? Who knows but the humans existing now; living now in these times deserve honest and uplifting analysis now more than ever. Do not miss this honest and dynamic work. 

The Civil TWILIGHT plays Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 3pm in the Broadwater Studio Theatre. 1078 Lillian Way, Hollywood.  


Posted By Michael Edwards on December 05, 2024 03:20 pm | Permalink