Reviewed by Michael Edwards

A Permanent Image at the Pacific Resident Theatre is wonderfully entertaining and simultaneously dark work. Run, don't walk to see this play. Masterful writing meets a tight team of intelligent, talented and very generous artists. Not to name drop to get you to see this, but this highly recommended new production comes from the writer of last year's "THE WHALE" - Oscar winner for best actor Brendan Fraser. (Closing March 9, so hurry and get your seats).
Set in modern day Moscow, Idaho during the Christmas holidays, a middle brother and sister return to visit their mother after the passing of their father only to learn the father left 'willingly' and the mother is developing ideas for her own departure. Three actors sustain this delicately handled but very disarming story about life, death, love and the simplicity that binds it all. Starring a focused and dynamically organic Scott Jackson as Bo the brother; An equally focused and patient Dalia Vosylius as Ally the sister; A beautifully simple and clear Phil Cass as Martin the dearly departed father; And the drum beat of the show for me; a grounded and yet always unpredictably human Terry Davis as the matriarch and recent widow, Carol. The cast flows seamlessly together, offering a generosity to both one another and the audience in attendance. They are a joy to take in.
Samuel D. Hunter's script however, is the star of the show. So human and predictable and yet each and every beat appears to surprise with its honesty and simplicity. This is not art for arts sake. It is a study in understanding the deeper realms of the most simple bonds we share with one another and with ourselves.
Director Andrew Wyman moves the play beautifully. From start to stop we feel we've intruded on a real family going through a heavy time. The staging is immaculate. Overall design from the painted set to the (at times) magical projections designed by James Morris, and focused and detailed sound design by Keith Stevenson.
A Permanent Image offers a deeper dive, in its subject matter than I feel I should express here for fear of spoiling, but suffice to say the journey is one you should 'gift' yourself. Excellent play. Excellent production.
Pacific Resident Theatre, 703 Venice Blvd., Venice Ca 90291
(310) 822-8392