CANDY APPLE - Written and produced by Dom Cicchetti - Writtne by Chris Cassone

"Candy Apple"

Written and produced by Dom Cicchetti

Co-Produced and Engineered by Tom Pisani


Piano, Keys, Synth: Dom Cicchetti

Guitars: Jon Herington, Mick Gaffney, Dave Lavender, John Henderson

Woodwinds: Paula Atherton, Jerry Vivino, Baron Raymonde, Felipe Salles

Bass: Paul Adamy, David Fink

Drums: Dave Weckl, Wes Little, Tom Pisani, Frank Dickerson

Percussion: Bill Hayes, Frank Dickerson

If your standard is Steely Dan and everything you're listening to doesn't seem to come close, you haven't heard Dom Cicchetti's "Candy Apple" yet. Coincidentally with several Steely Dan sidemen, "Candy Apple"  is seven tracks and 50 minutes of sweet, glorious pop jazz that has some of the best playing and superior sounds this side of Gaucho. An admitted admirer of Bill Evans, Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock, Dom worked his way up the ranks playing keyboards for Liza Minnelli in the 90's and, according to his site, has shared the stage with musical icons including Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Diana Ross, Sammy Davis Jr., and Liza Minnelli, gracing renowned venues like Carnegie Hall, the London Palladium, and even The White House.

             But this little gem of a CD (you can also buy a thumb drive or download,) is all I need to forget The Royal Scam and Aja. It is that good. And Cicchetti has surround himself with one winner after another, notably Dave Weckl who has played drums with everyone except God and guitarist extraordinaire, Jon Herington , a Steely Dan veteran from the Everything Must Go era.

            The beauty of the album is its form as well as its sound. For those who miss the basic album package, DC has offered up a classic version. From the credits to the track listings to the absolutely gorgeous sonic layers and all the while supporting beautiful melodies and hotshot arrangements. The first track is a perfect first track. Opening up with flare and pizzazz, "Jump To It" does just that. He takes command and shows us what's in store.

Cicchetti's style of a figure followed by several solos on the chord structure, sometimes a short bridge but almost always a breakdown of sweet sonic joy. Add to that the figure again with maybe some more soloing followed by the basic figure out. This makes it all the more accessible to listeners who may not be that accustomed to anything strictly "outside." It is also the reason this accessibility has propelled him up the jazz charts.

With "Jump To It" we are at once at home with sharp, tight arrangements and just clean, wonderful sound. Nothing is superfluous. Everything has a purpose, a need and a comfort level that keeps us asking for more. The doubling of the lines on the main figure is tight and classy. A first solo of Dom's keyboard in the high register is just an intro. Then we are introduced to Jon Herington after another go-round of the figure. His clean solo is our first meeting before the house-like line in the breakdown. Then we finally get a dose of who Mr. Cicchetti is with his 16 bar solo. Then Herington's 16 with a different, gutsier sound with plenty of overdrive. Bite not dirt. Whew. All that in 4:35 and we still have six tracks to cleanH Hi

Classic record set-up always had the current single sitting second on the A side. Here sits his hit, "Candy Apple," just a joy to let wash over you. Most enjoyable is the old school Rhodes patch with the wide-panned tremolo. So nice. Herington's solo builds to the breakdown where we are treated to a celeste-like toy piano. Herington's second solo follows with plenty of room to stretch his muscles.

Woodwinds appear on Dom's tribute to his second home, SoCal's "PCH." His vibe-patch is spot on as is his playing. You don't just dial up the patch. You gotta bring it and he certainly does. Especially after the flute line. Paula Atherton does a masterful job on her sax solo as well, bringing it higher and higher until the out. Holding it all together is Tom Pisani on drums and Paul Adamy on bass.

"Sunlight" opens with a haunting grand piano line as a smokey sax by Felipe Salles joins. The pads behind the piano are commanding and secure the importance of the line but Dom knows the value of breakdowns. They are so lyrical and emotional, especially after an impending power line. Felipe also adds flute to the basic line as Mick Gaffney's ballsy guitar compliments it.

I'm a sucker for fun sounds and in "Intricate Journey" the sliding high register portamento synth that Dom intersperses in the middle is so wonderfully retro. Jeez, everything is just so tasty.

"Ode to A Friend" opens with a string pad and a grand piano line that is so familiar. But isn't that the sign of hit? You feel you've heard it before. Baron Raymonde's tight sax, reminiscent of a Sanborn texture was perfect in the emo line, a high vibrato with such subtle control. The shaker was perfect, so well recorded. Then a grand piano breakdown that leads into a power pad that reminds me of a King Crimson piece.

We had sunlight, now "Night Time" with its hip-swaying sultry and a simple piano line that becomes a friend. First Dom's grand with a short taste then Dave Lavender this time on guitar. Dom gives us a perfectly layered pad-filled figure for the lead into the outro before one more main grand piano figure as Cicchetti says goodbye to us, until next time.

No, I choose to hit play and start the whole beautiful merry-go-round again.

Maybe he'll appear at the Baked Potato soon.

Find your copy of "Candy Apple" everywhere music is sold, especially here on his site .

Posted By Chris Cassone on March 13, 2025 02:19 pm | Permalink